Antonin Fajt

Composer & Pianist

Ghost Structures: Experiments with Real-time Composition and Non-linear Temporality (2023)

Ghost Structures are compositions using a MaxMSP-based software in conjunction with .bach notation package to capture MIDI notes during live performance and visualizing them on screens. Each piece is improvised and notated during performance. The software presents performers with two kinds of notation: an animated circular score and staff notation module. The unique animated score modality presents an opportunity to engage with cyclic, polytemporal, and temporally dynamic musical textures as an ensemble. There is a wide range of possibilities for interpreting the notated material, which allows this software to be used by both classically trained musicians and improvisers. It is designed specifically for composers who work with improvisation to create scores in real time during performance.

Full view of MaxMSP patch

Full view of MaxMsp patch (2023).

Ghost Structures software is available for download here: